Dear Roy... is the 6th episode in the series.
Mary Agnes tries to help the free-spirited Martha escape her past. Grigg ensures Frank stays in the know. Roy struggles with his feelings for Alice.
In a flashback to when Roy was still in Frank Griffin's Gang, they meet the Devlin twins for the first time when they ride up to find them distraught, crying, and covered in blood. They follow the twins back to their home to discover their entire family slaughtered, to which the twins indicate was due to natives forcing them to shoot them. Floyd Wilson and Gatz Brown discuss outside that they found no tracks indicating anyone else invaded the home, and surmise the Devlin twins may have massacred their family on their own. They correctly guess that Frank knows as well, but will nevertheless take the twins into the gang as his surrogate children much like he has done with some of the other gang members. Roy looks on in disgust when he finds a rotting and discarded corpse of a baby nearby.
Meanwhile, after returning to his office, Grigg tells his assistant to quickly print the story that Roy Goode is being harbored in the town of La Belle, despite not warning its citizens of their impending danger. A man claiming to be a Pinkerton agent named Webster arrives in La Belle and asks Mary Agnes for the whereabouts of Martha Bischoff, as her husband has sent him to retrieve her back across the country. Mary Agnes lies and tells him she had moved back to Germany a week ago, before heading to Martha's house to warn her of the man. There, a stunned Mary Agnes discovers that Callie commissioned a nude painting of herself from Martha to give to Mary Agnes for her birthday, despite their currently strained relationship. They are soon interrupted by Webster, who had followed Mary Agnes to Martha, and the three brandish their guns in a standoff. Martha shoots Webster in the thigh and takes him into her house, and discover that he has fallen in love with Martha over a photo of her and he was simply looking for her for himself. Mary Agnes leaves the two alone to go help build the town's chapel and works silently next to Callie, which brings a smile to Callie's face.
In the evening, Roy looks over his letter and has a flashback. Still part of Frank Griffin's Gang, Roy rides to the orphanage of Lucy Cole by himself to reunite with the sister and to give her a bag full of cash as repayment for taking care of him in his youth. She is touched, and tells the other children to look upon Roy as an example of how successful they can be after growing up from the orphanage. Roy, however, looks away with unease and guilt, having never explained how he got the money with the gang. Before he leaves, Lucy gives Roy a letter that arrived a year ago from Roy's brother Jim. Roy then returns to a saloon where the rest of Frank Griffin's Gang is waiting. Some of the gang tease and question where Roy went off to, and Dyer Howe attempts to open Roy's letter before Roy pulls his gun on him. When Floyd Wilson attempts to stop Roy leaving the saloon by force, Roy beats him until Floyd's eye became bloody, and wordlessly leaves the gang, seemingly permanently. Back in the present, Truckee confronts Roy about leaving them. Roy reaffirms his decision to leave, which prompts an angry Truckee to curse at him and storm off. Hurt by the boy's words and his own guilt, he assumes a now-approaching Alice that she is angry with him as well. However, she instead shares a tender moment with Roy silently and they kiss, and the two disrobe with each other.
Roy is seen leaving immediately on horseback the next morning, and Truckee and Alice sit to read Roy's letter that he purposefully left behind. The letter from Roy's brother Jim apologizes to Roy for having left him behind to find a better life for the two, and that Jim had never forgotten his promise to come back for Roy. Jim asks Roy to come find and live with him in Atascadero, California, where he has settled down with a wife, children, and a job. He also describes the beauty of the Pacific Ocean, and leaves in the envelope a rough map of how to reach Atascadero. Truckee then wonders if Roy will head there.
Back at a campsite, Gatz returns to Frank on horseback to show him the article in the Sante Fe Daily Review about Roy being harbored in La Belle. The gang is then seen immediately making their way toward La Belle, interspersed with scenes of the citizens of La Belle hoisting the cross of the steeple up the chapel, Martha nursing Webster back to health, Mary Agnes and Callie reconciling, and family members putting each other to bed. The citizens of La Belle are next seen waking up in the morning, but to the men of their family they used to have, showing them all sending their fathers and husbands off to work at the mines on the morning of the ill-fated accident that took the men's lives.
- Russell Dennis Lewis as Daryl Devlin
- Matthew Dennis Lewis as Donnie Devlin
- Jeff Daniels as Frank Griffin
- Adam David Thompson as Gatz Brown
- Joe Pingue as Alonzo Bunker
- Keith Jardine as Dyer Howe
- Justin Welborn as Floyd Wilson
- Rio Alexander as Bud Ledbetter
- Brian Lee Franklin as Amos Green
- Luke Robertson as Bill Chick
- Jack O'Connell as Roy Goode
- Jeremy Bobb as A.T. Grigg
- Merritt Wever as Mary Agnes McNue
- Nathan Darrow as Webster
- Christiane Seidel as Martha Bischoff
- Tess Frazer as Callie Dunne
- Samantha Soule as Charlotte Temple
- Marceline Hugot as Lucy Cole
- Samuel Marty as Truckee Fletcher
- Michelle Dockery as Alice Fletcher
- Tantoo Cardinal as Iyovi
"Boy, you are slower than the Second Coming of Christ." -A.T. Grigg
"Children, this is Mr. Goode. Now, he...he was once one of you. And now he is living proof that, with the help of God, we can all find our way." -Lucy Cole
"Mr. High and Mighty's in one of his fucking moods again." -Amos Green, regarding Roy Goode.
"Goddamn you, Roy Goode! Goddamn you all the way to hell!" -Truckee